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Leonard Peltier 2023

Free Leonard Peltier: Marking the Global Day of Solidarity with Native Americans

46 Years of Imprisonment for a Crime He Didn't Commit

On February 6th, we mark the Global Day of Solidarity with Native Americans, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the injustices and human rights violations faced by Indigenous peoples around the world. This year, the day holds particular significance as it highlights the ongoing imprisonment of Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist who has been unjustly imprisoned for over four decades.

Leonard Peltier: A Symbol of Resilience

Leonard Peltier was born on September 12, 1944, and has been an outspoken advocate for Native American rights since a young age. In the early 1970s, he became a prominent member of the American Indian Movement (AIM), fighting for land rights and social justice.

Tragically, in 1975, Peltier was arrested and charged with the murders of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Despite witness statements and forensic evidence clearing him, Peltier was convicted and sentenced to two consecutive life sentences.

A Corrupted Trial and Ongoing Injustice

Peltier's trial was marred by prosecutorial misconduct and the suppression of crucial evidence. Key witnesses were threatened and intimidated, and the jury was presented with biased and misleading information.

Over the years, numerous irregularities have come to light, casting serious doubt on Peltier's guilt. Despite overwhelming evidence of his innocence, the courts have repeatedly refused to grant him a new trial.

A Call for Justice and Compassion

Leonard Peltier has spent 46 years of his life in prison, separated from his family and community. His wrongful imprisonment is a testament to the systemic racism and injustice that continues to plague Native Americans in the United States.

On this Global Day of Solidarity with Native Americans, we call for the immediate release of Leonard Peltier. His case represents a grave miscarriage of justice that must be rectified. We urge President Biden to use his executive authority to grant Peltier a pardon or commute his sentence.

Furthermore, we demand a full and independent investigation into Peltier's conviction to ensure that the truth is revealed and that those responsible for the miscarriage of justice are held accountable.
